Saturday, September 24, 2011

24 Sept 11

So today started out pretty crappy, because I had to go to work. We had to break down the weapons shipping system. We started about 8, and it was horrible. The humidity was ridiculous, and then it was hot to top it off. We got topside broken down in about 45 minutes, then had to wait for the crane to show up. When they did finally get there we were done in about an hour, then had about another hour of putting up lockers. Not really how I wanted to spend my morning.

When I got home it was a lot better. I got to spend some time with my sweetheart. We sat around for a while then went and walked down the beach. It was pretty awesome. Now we are back home and making dinner, well we are trying to make dinner. Tiffany's yelling at me because I won't tell her how many pieces of chicken I want.

New start

Well it's been a long time since I posted on here. As you can see I didn't make it very far with my "Life in pictures" project. So I figured that I would try and just post stuff about my days and see how that goes, hopefully it will work better.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Well as you can see I didn't follow thru with my picture a day for a year. I guess I'm just to busy and don't do anything interesting enough to take a picture of. Oh well. Yesterday Tiffany and I went out on a date. We went and ate then went to see True Grit. We had a great time and the movie was great. Hard to believe that they could remake a John Wayne movie and it be good but it was. Today we went out running around and we were talking about getting a heater for the garage since I've started using it for a wood shop. So I found one on craigslist and we went a picked it up. But then couldn't find anywhere to buy kerosene. I did get one project ready to glue and nail up. I guess I can post some pics of that when I get done.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 3

Well we started the day off with some pancakes. Lexi helped me flip them. She's getting big, she wants to help do everything. After breakfast we took the recyclables and got enough to make green bean casserole. Yum! After we got done with the running around we had a bunch of folks over for an ornament exchange. What a blast. I didn't end up with what I wanted but did  get a nice one. Poor Lexi dropped hers and it broke. During all this crazyness Lexi's tooth decides it wanted to come out and she wasn't sure she wanted it to. But after everyone looking at it she let Rachel pull it for her. After the Lapham's left and it settled down we played dominos till about 2, with Lexi right in the middle of it doing a good job. She's getting good at games, she consistently beats Hassler at rummy and beat Tiffany and the girls. I can't thank God enough for blessing me with a great family and lots of good friends.

Making pancakes

1st tooth to lose

Lexi in the hospital

Lexi, Flor, Ariel, Brittany, &Tiffany

Hassler brought a Arizona "ornament" and since no one wanted it he took it

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The snowman that caused all the problems

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 2

It started snowing and we thought it was going to be alot, but we got up this morning and there isn't even enough to make a snowball.

Me & Lexi in the snow

Friday, December 10, 2010

My life in pictures

Well I have decided to start a picture album of my life. So hopefully for the next year I will take a picture everyday of something that happened during the day. So come along on the journey.

Me and my beautiful wife.


The pre-Christmas party